
Monday, December 6, 2010

In the forest on Taygetos mountain (Greece)
Leica M3/Summicron 1:2/50mm
Ziria mountain, Korinthia-Greece (November 2010)
Leica IIIf, Elmar 1:3,5/50 mm

Sunday, December 5, 2010

North-Pelopponese in Greece. The location is near to Kalavryta
Zeiss Iconta 4,5X6/ Tessar 1:3,5/60mm

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Venezia ad acqua alta (high waters)
Leica M3/Summitar 1:2/50mm
Travelling from Piraeus to Aegina
Leica IIIf/Summicron 1:2/50mm
An old byzantine church in Greece (Pheneos/Pelopponese)
Photo by Leica M3

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Minox B picture

In Zakynthos or "Il fiore di Levante" or "Zante" (1990)
Bathing in a see cave with friends. This cave was reachable swimming 10 minutes.
I took my Minox with me, protected by a simple waterproof bag.  

A Minox A picture

The finale of the Opera "Il Barbiere di Seviglia" in Munich Opera, Germany (1995).
The camera was a Minox A, the film was a 400 ASA Agfa 8X11 mm, no flash